Me: "Tanner it's your Birthday tomorrow! You are going to be 2 years old!"
Tanner: "Yes." (Only when he says yes it is more like "yeass")
Me: "Can you say 'two'?"
Tanner: "Two"
Me: "So how old are you going to be tomorrow Tanner?"
Tanner: "Four."
Me: "No you're going to be two Tanner. Can you say 'two'?"
Tanner: "Two."
Me: "Yeah. How old are you going to be tomorrow?"
Tanner: "Four."
I knew his birthday was coming but for some reason it didn't hit me until yesterday...evening. I hadn't even gotten his gifts yet. I know, I know. Total procrastinator. I will blame it on what I am calling my "pregnancy brain". I think it get's worse with every pregnancy! Anyways, I took Autumn and Tanner to the store and tried unsuccessfully to get his presents without him really seeing what we were getting. Oh well. He is only two...he wont remember! ;)
He had fun opening his gifts. And of course Autumn was right there next to him "helping" all the while! I think all of his gifts were a big hit! He didn't want to stop playing with them to get into the tub...which is saying a lot because he will always drop everything to take a bath! He loves baths! He was really funny with his cake. The first bite he tried to use the fork and then he just started taking bites 'hands free' off of the plate! I made him a Batman rainbow chip cake. I wasn't going to do anything special for the cake...then I started reminiscing about Autumn's birthdays and the cakes that I did for her and it made me feel bad that I wasn't doing the same for Tanner! Anyways, it wasn't anything really grand but I think he liked it!
Happy Birthday to my Tanner (aka: Tanner Manner, lil' Turkey, Stinker, Tanner Boy, TJ, Tanner James, Buddy, Buddy Boy & Monkey)!! I love you Tanner!