Saturday, May 17, 2008

TAGGED: Unspectacular Quirks

1.Link the person who tagged you. (Whitney)2.Post these rules
3.Tell about six unspectacular quirks about yourself
4.Tag six fellow bloggers by link

1. I have to have the toilet paper roll going the right direction. The paper needs to be coming over the top and hanging down towards you. It just isn't right any other way.

2. I usually have to eat something salty after something sweet. It just balances things out.

3. I can walk into a room and spot a "non-straight" picture or sign and it will just drive me crazy until it's fixed.

4. I am totally paranoid about raw meats. I have to wash my hands like 5 times after touching and wipe everything with Lysol wipes about 5 times too. Which is a little funny considering I would eat raw hamburger when I was little because my brothers told me to. Totally grosses me out now!

5. I always rinse off my dishes. It takes about 2 seconds, but when you don't do it, it's a lot harder to get the dried up nasty food off!! Which sucks when you are the one doing the dishes.

6. I love chocolate. I have to eat some everyday. Which inevitably adds to my girth! Darn that chocolate! It's a love-hate relationship.

I tag: Kristina, Becky, Amy, Laurie, Jodi


Brianne said...

I have most of these same quirks. All but #5 anyway. I'm terrible at rinsing off dishes. I think dishes bring on the nightmares of growing up and doing dishes at the Bushman household! As for #4, I am paranoid about germs in general and am constantly washing my hands.

I'm so glad you have a blog!!

jodi said...

Me, Jodi? I'm so glad you posted some more blogs, I kept checking and checking... Sounds like things are going good for you guys. Are you going to live in the Larson's house while they're gone? We need to have a game night sometime...

Amy said...

allie, i want to do this on my blog but I am computer and blogger illiterate! Help, me how do I tag on my blog?????


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