Sunday, March 30, 2008

Easter Eggstravaganza!

Easter came and went before we knew it this year! With the holiday landing on an early day, it seemed to creep up and fly by! The hunt was on yet again this year for a cute Easter dress for Autumn. She LOVES any kind of dress or skirt (as long as it's not pants!) and so she was more than happy to try on tons of dresses...only she wanted to buy every dress we put on! I have come to the conclusion that all the dress designers must live in Arizona. Almost every dress was sleeveless. Do they not realize that it's still COLD??!
10 stores and about 50 dresses later, I wondered if Autumn's cute Easter dress from two years ago still fit her. So we went home and sure enough, it still fit!! The kid doesn't get any bigger around, just taller. The dress was a bit shorter than 2 years ago, but still looked as cute! And I didn't need to spend any money! Tanner was sporting his new duds that Grandma Larson had got him a month earlier so he was set as well.
We had a good time hanging out with my family at my Mom's house. We ate the usual Easter feast (which was fabulous as always Mom!) and took pictures of the kids out in the front yard while the Easter Bunnies hid the eggs in the back yard. Tanner got to go first, as he was the youngest there. He was so funny. As soon as he would pick up an egg he had to break it open right there. All the kids had fun spending time together for the rest of the day. I had fun filtering through Tanner and Autumn's Easter Baskets to find the good candy! heehee


Amy said...

we are all joining the ranks of bloggers. I am still way behind. Your's is so cute (what is with the orange, are you getting converted?) Just kidding. ONe month and we will be there!


jodi said...

I love that you started a blog! It's so fun to see pictures of you guys and see what you're up to. Your kids are so cute, it looks like you had a fun Easter. You can check our blog out if you want...

Mom and Dad said...

Hey, Allie, It is a cute web page. I wondered about the orange too. Good for you. The pictures of the kids are darling. This will be great after we leave. Keep the pictures coming! -Linda

Whitney said...

ITS ABOUT TIME! Good job Allie. Its really cute! can't wait to read more about your darling kids!

Lauren said...

yeah!!! I'm so happy about this blog I can't even tell you. You're going to laugh at how much you will grow to love it once you really get into it. I can't wait!!!

lauriemcmurt said...

Al, I love that you started a blog. i have been meaning to email you for the last couple weeks because I totally had a flashback when we were kids! So I am in primary now (playing the piano) and I get to see how all the kids act during sharing and singing time. Well, we have a huge primary so it can get a little rowdy sometimes. And I thought, man, I was never like that at all and then the memories started rolling in! Yeah, do you remember that we used to tilt our chairs back against the wall and talk all the time. We used to make fun of some of the boys (who I won't name in the far off chance someone sees this). And then we kind of got rid of our teacher, thanks to Derek Mitchell (okay that wasn't primary, but we didn't necessarily grow up or get better over night!). Anyway, it made me laugh thinking about all the times we had to be separated by the teacher. Good times!! I look forward to checking in on your blog! I love you guys and miss you!


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